Friday, February 29, 2008

A day off: a day to choose

Well, it was half a day. The school had told us to eat or not to eat in past ones. What about the kids that don't have food in their houses (I'm not saying any names). In school you do everything in a group or you just dont do it. I dont know what they served yesterday in school, but I dont really care. They should take the classes to eat and then let them go after that.

Today was a good day for kids in on the social studies honor roll. I got to have pizza with Ms. Stuart because I earned an 80+ in her class. Well, there weren't a lot of kids that were there, but it was a good 20, maybe more. I was one of those 20. There was like 11 boxs of good pizza not the $10.00 box. It was dominos pizza

I feel sorry for kids in 801-804 because their teacher didn't do anything for them. Also classes 801,802,807 and 808 are going to go in a lot of trips. ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•..•

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Franklin is a student in 808 and a lover of food. The opinions he expresses in this blog are his own and in no way reflect the official culinary opinions of the school, its staff, or its students.