Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Chicken was today's lucky number. Yeah, it's a sad number. I'm not a fan of the chicken, but Jalaysa from class 805 is. She said it was the best. She took a piece from a kid named Alex and jumped on line to get a ticket. It was her first time eating in school and she loved it. I hope she keeps on eating school lunch.

Sorry, but Shon and Michael from 806 didn't like the food. Too bad for them. They didn't like it because it was not seasoned and too dry. They said they wish that at lunch they could have crispy chicken, juice, well-cooked French fries, and shrimp. I wish there was Shrimp in school. That'd be cool.

P.S. Mr.Homan, please don't be a hater like before.

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Franklin is a student in 808 and a lover of food. The opinions he expresses in this blog are his own and in no way reflect the official culinary opinions of the school, its staff, or its students.